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CRI 2.0

X-Analytics optimizes CRI Profile 2.0

X-Analytics incorporates the Cyber Risk Institute (CRI) Profile 2.0 to help financial institutions to efficiently manage and mitigate cyber risks while aligning with broader business objectives. 

Move beyond mere compliance to achieve true cyber resilience.

Trusted by industry leaders:

Supporting financial services organizations

To support the unique needs of our financial services customers, X-Analytics leverages the Cyber Risk Institute (CRI) 2.0 framework to unlock the business value of their cyber risk management program. 

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A transformative cyber risk management solution

X-Analytics stands supercharges the CRI 2.0 framework to provide differentiated, tangible business value.

Business and financial cyber risk identification

In aligning to the CRI 2.0 framework and implementing X-Analytics, organizations are ensuring that they can take a proactive approach to managing cyber risk. 

Strategic risk mitigation

Develop and implement targeted risk mitigation strategies.

X-Analytics delivers actionable insights and recommendations that are grounded in CRI 2.0’s risk mitigation principles.

Ongoing cyber risk management

Cyber risk isn’t a once-a-year problem.

X-Analytics provides ongoing risk monitoring, providing organizations with up-to-date information on their risk posture and aligning with CRI 2.0’s emphasis on ongoing monitoring and review. 

It takes just a couple of hours to start
seeing results with X-Analytics

X-Analytics is designed to be intuitive and easy-to-deploy!
Our team will help you get started quickly, so you can gain
business clarity on the effectiveness of your cyber risk strategy.
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Latest resources for Financial services

Explore the latest X-Analytics insights written specifically for financial services organizations
Financial Services

Revolutionizing Cyber Risk Management: A Financial Firm's Strategic Evolution

A growing financial services firm, founded in 1950, has grown through strategic mergers and acquisitions, marked by its NASDAQ listing in the early 2000s.
Read Case Study

Effective cyber risk management through the CRI 2.0 framework

Explore what the CRI 2.0 framework is, how X-Analytics leverages it and the steps business leaders need to take to ensure they are effectively managing their business risk. 
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